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导读:中国-中亚峰会将于5月18日至19日在西安举行,中亚五国总统将集体应邀来华参会。吉尔吉斯斯坦前总理、北京师范大学“一带一路”学院特聘教授卓奥玛尔特·奥托尔巴耶夫 (Djoomart Otorbaev) 日前接受中国日报新媒体和中国观察智库《连线》节目专访时表示,欢迎中国在中亚地区扩大投资规模,提升投资质量,以进一步释放发展潜力,加强地区互联互通。




The biggest foreign investors in Central Asia, neither Russia nor China. Surprise. The biggest one, number one is European Union. Number two, United States. Number three, Russia. And number four is China. It's unrealized potential for Chinese investors in Central Asia. It's kind of perception of great games, conspiracy theory that China want to dominate in Central Asia because of the size, but it's not the case yet.


So we're really looking in Central Asia for new but high-quality investments of Chinese corporations into our economies, not necessarily cement factory or textile factories, but maybe scientific institutions which work on artificial intelligence or quantum computing. That would be our request. That is what Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit mentioned in its declaration. It was stated that Central Asia is "a core of SCO". If it's a core, we need to get bigger engagements between each other. So what Belt and Road, what does it mean? Belt and Road means that China go abroad big way. So we expect Chinese high-quality investors to come to Central Asia on our request.


China is saying: what do you need? And we say all the time we need high-quality investments here, because manufacturing base should not be too big. The market is small. All population of five Central Asian countries, like one of the medium province in China, but we're in the middle, meaning between Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, even India, and Pakistan, and Afghanistan. So we must be a kind of logistic hub for Eurasia, Greater Eurasia. And in that way, we really look forward to work with Chinese. If you look to your economy, it's obvious that you should do better, more. Why European Union did more than China in Central Asia? European Union is very far, but they invest more. So my address on your question would be to focus on high-quality development.

出品人:王浩 刘伟玲

监制:柯荣谊 宋平


记者:沈一鸣 张欣然 栗思月 张钊 栾瑞英 刘夏

实习生:王博麟 杨恒瑞 袁嘉忆




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